February 7, 2013

  • The Monarch Project

    Just because you are paranoid doesn’t mean they aren’t out to get you.

    Conspiracy theorists have long discussed military operated mind control programs that sprang forth in the US after WWII with German Nazis as the leaders in research and development.  Prior to this, as early as 1882, the “Anglo Alliance” was formed with Great Britain and Germany as the centers of the mind control developers. With a mutual desire to create the most Utopian human race, early stages of mind control experiments include medical and psychiatric techniques at the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute in Germany.

    In 1921, studies began to discover the “breaking point” of the human psyche . German scientists branched out into the fringes of their professions studying parapsychology, neuropsychology and multi-generational occultism. Experiments on adoptive and Jewish children to test the effects of electro-shock, hallucinogenic drugs (LSD, mescaline) and hypnosis provided ample feedback for the types of data needed for their research. Sadly, many kids did not survive this brutality, but the ones who did were immeasurably valuable as test subjects.

    In 1946, the Central Intelligence Group was formed, later to be called the CIA. In 1947, mind control experiments began . Project CHATTER was developed in response to the Soviet’s successes through the use of “truth drugs.” The project was officially terminated in 1953. Through many projects started and terminated in the next few years, the primary fringe science for military operation was called MKULTRA – for Mind Kontrolle Ultra. From this, the Monarch Project was born.

    Here is some particularly colorful information I found about the Monarch Project:

    “Dr. Joseph Mengele of Auschwitz notoriety was the principle developer of the trauma-based Monarch Project and the CIA’s MK Ultra mind control programs. Mengele and approximately 5, 000 other high ranking Nazis were secretly moved into the United States and South America in the aftermath of World War II in an Operation designated Paperclip. The Nazis continued their work in developing mind control and rocketry technologies in secret underground celebrities like Warner Von Braun. The killers, torturers, and mutilators of innocent human beings were kept discretely out of sight, but busy in U.S. underground military facilities which gradually became home to thousands upon thousands of  kidnapped American children snatched off the streets (about one million  military bases. The only thing we were told about was the rocketry work with former Nazi star per year) and placed into iron bar cages stacked from floor to ceiling as part of the ‘training’. These children would be used to further refine and perfect Mengele’s mind control technologies. Certain selected children (at least the ones who survived the ‘training’) would become future mind controlled slaves who could be used for thousands of different jobs ranging anywhere from sexual slavery to assassinations. A substantial portion of these children, who were considered expendable, were intentionally slaughtered in front of (and by) the other children in order to traumatize the selected trainee into total compliance and submission.”

    More information I found regarding Mengelee:

    A promising academic physical anthropologist until his military career intervened. Wounded in action, mustered out, but promoted to SS Captain. Physical anthropology was one of the areas in which pseudoscience got its biggest foothold in the intellectual life of the Third Reich, primarily through SS Heinrich Luitpold Himmler’s interest in the subject.

    • In the SS, he was allowed to continue his anthropological research at the Auschwitz extermination camp.
    • Three preoccupations:
      • Physical abnormalities
      • Alteration of racial features, especially eye color.
      • Use of identical twins as controls.
    • A handsome spit-and-polish man, but pathologically indifferent to human suffering. His subjects were automatically slated for death (although in some cases, their utility as experimantal subjects postponed the fatal moment until they could be rescued.)
    • Mengele uncomfortably straddles the boundary of real and pseudoscience. On one hand, he had some concept of proper methodology and made real observations, but his ultimate goals (E.G. racial “improvement”) were in the realm of the purely subjective.
    • Escaped the fall of the Third Reich and died in hiding in South America during the 1970s.

    The author above next goes into great detail about the 250,000 people currently in captivity undergoing training along with some very high profile people and events that were also victims of these technologies. Military and media were obviously included.

    I am going to follow this up with a Post #2 to discuss mind control techniques, theories, and even report on some of the people I have been “following” that are self-proclaimed refugees from some of these camps. There was simply too much to post on a single post and ask anybody to read it.

    My question to you – CIA and military sponsored mind control- Yea or Nay?

    The only site I can offer credit to is this http://www.geol.umd.edu/~jmerck/eltsite/lectures/madscience.html – The other reference sites wish to remain hidden! 

Comments (28)

  • @we_deny_everything - Shhhh… Do not disclose any further names for fear of re-entry to the facility! Don’t forget, if it’s on the internet, it HAS to be true. 

  • Yes of kourse.  Everything you say about mind kontrol in ze aftermath of ze THIRD REICH is true, und you didn’t hear me say zis.  Scientology, Bilderberg Group, Illuminati, und LSD experiments mit soldiers who vere sacrificed to experimentation — iz all true.  Und I did not say that.

    Klearly the Pope, Queen Elizabeth II, George Sorosa, George W. Bush, Ben Bernanke, and Beyoncé are part of ze konspiracy.

    (sorry, I just did a blog about scientology. Now I am overdosed on conspiracies.)

  • Whether or not there is any truth behind The Monarch Project there are real and present dangers inherent in conspiracy theories themselves. One of those is, in the deafening din of conspiracy theories spread about real dangers can be easily overlooked. Real good can easily be destroyed with a single conspiracy theory too. Another danger is people sucked in by unfounded and untrue conspiracy theories base decisions on a fear of something that does not exist. Sometimes those decisions are personal based as they are on an outlook on life that is not founded in reality. For example, spending family money on an arsenal and a shelter instead of on things a family could enjoy together or a child’s higher education. We see clearly how unfounded conspiracy theories influence political and social decisions people make at the voting booth. 

    Btw, I love the commercial in which a girl tells her neighbor you can believe everything you read on the internet. He asks her where she read that and she answers, “On the internet”, then walks away with her “French model” boyfriend whom she met on the internet. Haha! 

  • I’ve watched TV and seems like there is a lot of mind control going on there.

  • @TheSutraDude - I agree wholeheartedly! I am also of the ilk that believes in a shred of truth behind each story, but then, I am a bit gullible. I will never forget when “the rapture” was rumored to be coming, people quit their jobs, spent their savings, and didn’t get taken. I am not sure where the truth is in that story, but I am not denying there’s some truth in there somewhere. 

    Haha about the commercial! I was thinking about exactly that when I wrote the comment, maybe there’s some credibility in this mind control thing?

  • @C_L_O_G - Reminds me of that movie “They Live” where the only people that weren’t hypnotized by the TV had to wear super cool sunglasses. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0096256/

  • Films such as “The Truman Show” were oblique references to such programs.  I have heard of alleged “Obamavilles”, where “thousands” of people, all, amazingly white, right-wing Republicans and Libertarians, are being kept in barbed-wire bounded camps.  The same rumours were floated in the Bush II years, with Blacks and Hispanics substituting for the Whites.

  • So scary isn’t it? Reminded me of the movie in which Dustin Hoffman gets unwittingly involved in just such a conspiracy deal mastered by Lawrence Olivier (as the Nazi Agent) in The Marathon Man. Worth seeing if you haven’t seen it already. It is an old classic in my opinion.

    Yeah I believe everything is the holy truth if it’s on the internet…NOT! I liked that commercial where the girl walks away with the troll calling himself the ‘French Model’ on the internet! 

  • @BoulderChristina - I’m sure you’re aware of how politically aware I am. I’ve debated on political websites that make Xanga look amateur in that regard and it’s understandable. Xanga is not primarily a political site. What I’ve seen for years now are conspiracy theories intended to defame President Obama. “He wasn’t born in the U.S.” “He’s not a Christian. He’s a secret Muslim.” “He pals around with terrorists.” “Obamacare is a secret plan to pull the plug on grandma.” “Obama’s speaking to children on television tonight about the importance of doing well in school is really his plan to indoctrinate children.” Recently, “Hillary Clinton faked her illness and her fall.” After her release from the hospital which included treatment for a blood clot in her brain it turned to “Who pushed her to make her fall and hit her head?” That came courtesy of Fox and Friends. There was not and is not a grain of truth behind any of these conspiracy theories. The grain of truth behind all of the conspiracy theories targeting Obama is there are a lot of people in the country who can’t stand the thought of an African American President. People start these rumors in the hope they’ll influence the gullible. It’s quite Machiavellian and it’s dangerous because to an extent it works. I’d wager most conspiracy theorists have nothing more than self interest in mind. Rush Limbaugh is a prime example. When cornered he admits he is just an entertainer making money yet people actually believe the vile rhetoric he spews over the airwaves. 

    Educating our children is so very important and I’m happy you are working hard to do that. 

    I thought you were referring to that commercial. It’s funny….the look of confidence she gives her neighbor as she walks off with her internet French model. 

    On another note I love the woman in this commercial. I think her facial expressions are fantastic: 


  • @TheSutraDude - I completely agree, politicians use rumors and lies to invoke emotion in people. If done successfully, the emotions invoked will sway political and popular opinion in their favor. I know the Rapture wasn’t exactly a conspiracy theory, but it was such an extreme case of what people will do when they believe things that are false. 

    I love that commercial, too :)  

  • @ZSA_MD - I know! I laugh every time he says “Bonjour”!! It is scary, and I am sure there is a grain of truth in most theories. Scariest part is not knowing what is real and what isnt.

  • Truth vs conspiracy theories, often times it takes a grain of truth to make some interesting conspiracies.

    Take opium….with heavy dose of realism. In the 1800′s the British used opium to make money from China. Think of the pain and agony that the population of China had to go through to get rid of that problem.

    The Opium problem followed Chinese Coolies to America and America got a front row seat on how not to get addicted. Prohibition may not have worked but America got by cheap in fighting that devil drug opium. Edgar Allen Poe was one of the most famous Opium addict.

    No nation suffered more than America when the Chinese Triad introduced “China White”. In some ways some of the CIA operations were funded by China White drug trade. Operations in Cambodia, Burma and Vietnam was funded by just a little side funding of “China White”.

    Mexico’s drug gangs are trying to diversify. They are not satisfied by drug money from Cocaine, pot and meth. They also want money from stolen oil, prostitution and other easy money making methods. The end of Mexican drug gangs might turn the corner via use of virgilantes but basically when gangs exist, they have an organization to feed.

    Basically black gangs have been funded by selling crack. Will black gangs be a dying trend or will they like in Chicago continue their killing sprees? Stay tuned for the “death of black gangs….”

  • this is what i know…
    about butterflies and white on rice… 
    and apple jacks…
    hi bc…

    too late for me to think with you – sorry…  well articulated – as always…

  • @BoulderChristina - True. There is another danger that comes into play. About politicians and people in general I often see the defense, “Everybody does it.” That is untrue. There are many honest people and many honest politicians who get thrown into the pile with the dishonest and disingenuous. This attitude is often called “a false equivalency” and is used to deflect blame from a guilty party. Little kids do it often to get out of trouble. “Everyone in school does it.” It’s a way of muddying the waters. It’s so important for us to develop a sense of who we can and cannot trust. It takes insight and scrutiny born from experience. It takes an understanding that while not everyone is honest not everyone is dishonest. I spent 2 1/2 years selling office equipment to corporations in Manhattan. I made good money. Some months I made $10,000, some $7,000, some less and some more but I got out of it because of one thing. I was honest. I didn’t lie about what I was selling. I didn’t try to build hidden costs into a lease but I couldn’t take any longer that I sat in front of decision makers who believed I was lying to them because the last 10 salespeople they sat with did. This is its own topic but building trust between people is perhaps the most important thing in this world. Trust or lack thereof effects everything we do and experience in life. It effects our very happiness. 

  • I was once at the concentration camp in Weimar and was once down in the cellar where the captives were held hang on the walls as experiment subjects in their labortory. I saw all those medical equipments which they used on the prisoners patients and where they execute some of them as in experiments projects. It is really not a nice feeling to be there where you know there are hundreds & thousands are tortured in that very place at that time and mostly are children. It really disgust you to the very core of your being because you are personally standing there where they did performed those cruelty on those people in the camps and they have to endure the torturement weeks and months, and some survived in the many years of their lives at that place.
    If there are physchos exists nowadays from that time, I can understand their murderous acts are controlled by that and the beasts are still roaming somewhere underground doing their experimental projects for the military … This is a monstrous acts on human race.

  • @BoulderChristina - That is a great title for a movie like that.  lol  

  • Let me see, I think it goes like this.  1) we develop something like mind control, drones, A-bombs, H-bombs………(whatever)  2) we use it and discover negative effects! (surprise, surprise) 3) world pressures, common sense and other factors dictate that we would all be better off without these fantastic inventions with deleterious negative effects.  So we decide, along with other nations, to sign a pact to not use this stuff or destroy said items.  We and other nations then spend time spying on each other to make sure no one is breaking the agreement.  

    Good post, 

  • This is sad as fuck, but cool. WHY DID NO ONE GIVE ME LSD AS A CHILD? :(

  • I thought mind control was standard operating procedure in functional families, schools, corporate advertising and political campaigns.  Oh yes, and religious education.

    Don’t the CIA and military deserve a little fairness?

  • I saw a documentary about why they stopped funding this research. People cannot be controlled that easy. Take my Upbringing for example with church school, I should be Republican by now but no I thought for myself. LOL We were made to sit in religious and political classes, recite passages from our learning, and march in single lines while chanting our school motto. Yep it was really weird but the whole time my mind was somewhere else. I knew it was wrong since I was 8 years old to tell people what to think. Rebellion is a wonderful thing.

  • OH yes another thing that the USA tried to break the spirit of natives by stealing their children putting them in camps, cutting their hair changing their names to brainwashing with doctrines to make them into good Americans. IT DIDN”T WORK! The human spirit is a powerful thing and to fear is fail. My Uncles and Aunties came back even more angry at society for being forced into those schools.

  • scary stuff. I did a lot of research on Joseph Mengele in middle school when we learned about the holocaust. That’s also when my anxiety really started to pick up!

    this is all so interesting though, I’m looking forward to your next post on it!

  • Interesting. Conspiracy theorists have a vast resource in the number of gullible and frightened people there are in the country right now. A short conversation about gun control on a TV show that is filled with gun use and fancy weapons caused an outcry among those people who are terrified for some reason that someone is plotting to take their guns away.

  • Behind every tall tale there is often a grain of truth. Behind the face of evil, often a good intention gone awry.

    The human mind however is significantly more challanging than most people can handle. Sure we can manipulate thoughts and actions, behaviors to a degree, but most of us can not even control our own thoughts let alone control the minds of masses.

    Advertisers and the media seem to be adept at it, but not unerringly so or we would all have lost our individual identities a long time ago.

    Mind control. Not purely science fiction, but not practical science either. I find the thought that inhumane individuals would sacrifice the lives of so many innocents to pursue a demented dream like this, disturbing to say the least.


    You will send me chocolate…

  • I don’t know exactly what the sources are, or of their proven veracity.  but I also don’t put anything past secret governmental groups such as the CIA and others.  There are very many projects that are obviously active, but officially denied.  Even the President and Congress as a body have no access or knowledge.  Who knows?

  • Who would be a good role model?

  • Um… nay, I guess. You just never know when they’re going to switch the flip and you’ll get fried by Y-rays.

  • That is shocking. I did not know about any of this. It is an outrage.


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